Don't you just love it? Sure, you won't be able to use your fab pumps, but say hello to comfy fashy boots! Layers and layers with soft warm clothes, I love wool.
Anywhooo, I was just brewing a cup of cocoa to warm my freezing body when I realized.. The smell of hot milk is absolutely yummy! I just wanna lick the cup, haha. (Yes, people tell me I'm special.)
*takes a sip of the cocoa*
I believe this is my favorite season for sure. Watching the water pour down outside, with a cup cocoa in my hands, playing WoW, tucked in a faux-leather blanket I got from my brother last christmas. Oh, that reminds me, I have to start shopping presents! Each year I tell myself to start early, I think most "presentlovers" can recognize this syndrome. It's like the new-year goals. "Woosh, what was I saying?"
One thing that annoys me about gifts, is how fast children grow. Feels like its yesterday I gave my nephew a little barking dog marked 5-12 months, or something. Now he probably wants model cars and soon enough his license. I like buying something safe to people, stuff I know they need or want, just with a twist and something personal. I don't just buy gifts anymore, I always put a thought behind it. And since I'm trying to be as green as I can, brown paper with silk bows is the thang. It makes it more personal too somehow. Try it out this christmas, everyone will know which package is from you;)